Sunday, July 23, 2006

Rocky Road and chocolate in general

I love love love Darrell Lea's "Rocklea Road" and have even made my own rocky road chocolate. So imagine my elation when I discovered that Baskin-Robbins make a Rocky Road ice cream....mmmm heaven!! Yummy :)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

move over Investments!!!

It's all over! It took a while and I almost cried, fall asleep and threw my notes out of the window. But I tolerated and have so been rewarded....I'm praying I pass otherwise I will be throwing myself out of the window. And it's a long way down from the 12th floor...Last words to stupid investments: matching strategies, I hate you!!

Face Book

Judy told me she started using Face Book and that I should definitely join too. So I did. And it's frustrating. I prefer Friendster ;(

Monday, July 17, 2006

things to be thankful for

I have alot to be thankful for today:

1. investment exam is at 5.45pm on friday leaving me 1 week to study (I still haven't started). Yay! The 8am curse has been lifted :)
2. found a textbook exchange website, since most of my courses this semester has changed textbooks so that I can't buy it off my friends who have recently done it
3. yesterday, I bumped into Judy (who almost never comes up this way for shopping) and had a quick catch up. She has cut off all her hair! And coloured it! She looks so grown-up now :)

Thank you God for answering my prayers :)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

wasting time

I've successfully wasted about 2 hours surfing the net, checking my emails and what not. I really should get start studying now since I'm totally unprepared for my exam. Serious lack of motivation. However, I have already chosen my subjects for uni the coming semester and worked out a pretty gruelling timetable. At least I'll only have to be in uni 3 days a week, which is pretty sweet :) Mel's starting uni as well and although she was pretty adamant about not doing any subjects involving any kind of maths, I managed to convince her to do intro accounting.

Another christening today at church. There's been alot of christenings and baptisms in the past few's great to see God's children coming to Him.

Friday, July 14, 2006

myGC on the nite of my 21st party

on the repeat

most played songs on my o2 atom

hips don't lie / shakira
crazy / gnarls barkley
numb/encore / jay-z, linkin' park
still standing / jewel
sos / rihanna
holiday / greenday
when it all falls apart / the veronicas
tiny dancer / elton john
the blowers daughter / damien rice

a good mix i think

a dreary day on the Gold Coast

it's a hopelessly grey day outside...the only ray of sunshine i can see is a long way off on the horizon. it's uncharacteristically freezing cold too. so much for sunny queensland...

anyway, for those i haven't already told, i lost my treasured motorola razr :'( yes, it was only 3 months old (this was back in april) and u can't find that blue colour here in oz too!! so i replaced it with an o2 atom which was outrageously expensive and from there followed a whole string of bad luck. i wasn't particularly impressed either. although the month of may brought along with it lots of parties - why did everyone have to turn 21 then??

also on the list of things that are bugging me include the fact that my hair isn't growing and i'm itching to cut it again.

however, on my mind at the moment is what i will be doing next year!?!?! i'll be (finally) graduating in december and after my trip to singapore (the first in 5 years, mind you) i had decided to go back there to work instead of the large country town they call brisbane. so having not applied to any graduate positions in oz, i was spared the rejection letters or even a non-reply. i guess most of my friends just assumed it was a phase i was going through when i said i was taking off for singapore at the end of the year (or some other place, kindda like an anywhere-but-here thing) but now that i'm starting to think abt job applications in foreign lands, they're all trying to provide an incentive for me to stay. and mel definitely doesn't want me to leave her here. thing is, i'm actually considering staying. or at least get a job in sydney or melbourne. but i do want to go back to a city that never sleeps, yummy food at any time of the day, become a workaholic and earn shitloads of money. but then i don't really know anyone in singapore...yeah sure i still have relatives and family friends but no good friends like i do here. it may actually be really depressingly lonely for me over there. so the ultimate question is: am i brave enough to start over in a foreign place??

i don't know. *sigh*

Thursday, July 13, 2006

just another day in michelle-land

i thought about using the small size for this post but then realised that even i couldn't read it without my eyes going funny...oh the joys of getting old-er. speaking of which, its mummy's birthday today!!! tho i can't actually mention how old she'll be without her strangling me. so, we'll be going to celebrate her birthday tomorrow night at my recommended restaurant - Fermented Grape. this caused a bit of disagreement coz daddy thought it sounded like a gross name for a restaurant with mel adding that she's mentally coming up with images (and smell) of the taiwanese delicacy, fermented beancurd. of course, since this discussion was during dinner, it put everyone off their food...for about 2 seconds. then when i explained that it's a wine restaurant and that u actually get a wine buffet eg. all the booze u can drink, everyone agreed to give it a go. please bear in mind that i came across the restaurant in the gold coast's dining out magazine and that i'm not an alcoholic :)

this will be about the first time, ok second, that i've looked at my results for the last semester and not wanted to die :) however, it just proves that i'm a lazy bum and if i even get my lazy ass into gear for a little bit, i can do so much better! ok so what made the difference?? first of all, i must give credit to chris for his "secret study techniques" which, although a disappointment, did help me to get into gear. second of all, the massive amounts of chocolate i consumed helped lots. lastly, but also most importantly, the 8-hour sleep and frequent naps really refreshed an otherwise sleepy me.

anyway on to more exciting things....we're going to melbourne!!!!!! in about 3 weeks mel and i will be off to melb for some retail therapy....not to mention, this caused some problems for me. namely the fact that i looked into my bank account and discovered i had managed to somewhat save enough in there so that i could buy those true religion jeans i had my eyes on...only to realise that i will not have money to spend in melb. so began the internal struggle of what i should do, which ended when i decided to save it for melb and that i don't need another pair of designer jeans. trust me, hardest decision i made this month.

i managed to sign into msn messenger today (yay!) and got talking to esther about her 21st party...and her newfound allergy to red wine...hahaha. cute story but. she also mentioned that chris didn't stay for least not long enough to meet the hot friends he requested for ;) anyhow, i'm so excited to finally be seeing you again in melb!!

eek....tiredness....can't wait for the next 4 hours to fly by so i can watch inspektor rex my fave crime fighting pooch :))

will be revamping this space real soon so keep an eye out!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

slackness...not entirely my fault

it's been a long long time since i've last posted anything. to blame is my laptop, beloved but finally decided to rebel against me... the most frustrating part was hauling it to various places for troubleshooting and repair and between the numerous holidays that delayed my reunion with my computer and the fact that everything got wiped out (ps to all those who think i was dumb enough not to back up my computer before sending it in: the computer wouldn't work anyway and the person who backed up my drive for me deleted everything before i got my laptop back), it took a while for me to get it running again. still without microsoft office, i've actually been slaving away (with lots of tears of frustration) on wordpad. so not funny.

then it was exam time and i was back to procrastinating in front of the tv, watching dvds i've seen a million times. now the holidays are here and i've been forced to work for my parents, they really know how to work me. only finding solice in mindsweeper and now hopelessly addicted, trying to beat my own best time.

i should actually get off my ass and look for work otherwise i'll be an unemployed graduate at the end of the year!

will bring more entertaining news soon...