Friday, August 01, 2008

i fell in love in hk

with this gorgeous PUPPY!!!!
this one is my favourite, though the other two were just as adorable! =)

SOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously, who can resist this cutie?!?!

even xiao wei is besotted!

see the other puppies behind???

poodles are so intelligent!!

i taught Lucky how to shake hands - who said you couldn't teach old dogs new tricks?!

i really miss Lucky...when we first moved to GC i used to cry when i think of her.

she was the puppy my sister and i were so fearful of (we were only young then)

but we grew to love her...

her excited barks when strangers approach, her affection and love for us.

playing hide & seek with her,

how she would sit quietly while we watched tv.

even daddy loved her, she was the first dog he loved! (prince & max don't come close!)

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