Tuesday, January 23, 2007

a Fresh Look

I've successfully updated my blog's layout...still have yet to change and add some photos and other miscellaneous items. Actually, I might still continue to edit as I see fit!

My brain is about to explode with all the learning i'm doing at the moment. Blame it on trying to catch up so I have enough time to review everything I've studied before the exam in June. At this point, I'm slightly confident, having renewed my resolve to pursue Investment Banking. Not only IB but I'm also keen to do floor trading, something in Global Markets will make me very happy. After 4 years of uni, I know that I excel under pressure...or at least perform much better :) Yes, it's also an excuse for my constant procrastination.

I have also taken out half my wardrobe and sorting through my piles of clothes, in preparation for my move overseas. I'm very excited and my prior apprehensions are somewhat lessened now.

As you can probably tell, I'm trying to put a positive spin on everything in my life! And I say kudos to that!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

The packing continues...

My CFA materials weigh in at 9kg and I have to haul it to Singapore with me...
That doesn't leave much room for my mountains of clothes.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

snip snip

NYE I got a little curious about how daddy's "layering scissor" works and decided that my fringe needed a trim, so that I could try it out. Mind you, I've been cutting my own hair for a good while now. I couldn't justify spending $30 upwards on a haircut since I paid a measly $16 in Singapore last Feb. Anyway, I got a little too adventurous and am now sporting a pretty short fringe ie. even after I've clipped it up it never fails to fall back into my eyes. So I've booked myself for a cut tomorrow morning. Not to shorten my already short fringe, but I've noticed that my hair has mysteriously stopped growing and my sister adviced that I may be needing a good trim to stimulate growth. I just hope it works and my hair will grow once more!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

new year, new life

Looking at the last post, i really managed to stay away from this blog whilst i was in swotvac.
Nevertheless, i still did too little study than i really should have. Lucky I still managed to do well overall or I would really have been crying!

Now that uni is over and I'm a Graduate, looking at the year gone by, i've realised that i truly have grown and feel like i've matured more than the 1 year that has flown by. Here's a recap:
Firstly, to kick off last year (2006), i left home (Gold Coast, that is) and settled in Singapore for 2 months on an internship. Proving that it was much harder than I thought it would be, I missed my family and friends that I'd left behind in Australia, i felt like a foreigner in a place i spent the first half of my life in, i had no friends. ok, i still had my old childhood friends and cousins, AND i made a bunch of new friends too but it's not the same as having my good ol' friends in aussie-land :( It was definitely a sobering experience that really felt like i had been thrown into the real world.
Secondly, i turned 21. Not really the momentous event i had imagined it to be but still...I'm really all grown up, officially.
Thirdly, one of my friends got engaged. Or technically two, since I know both of them...hmm. Now, I've known a whole heap of people who have gotten married but not one that is as close as this. They got married in December and it was such a beautiful ceremony and reception and the venues were great too.
Fourthly, i graduated from uni. Time to look for a proper job and live life. And i no longer get money from daddy and mummy haha :p

So, this year I will be starting a new job, a proper job, a career for life! I'm moving back to Singapore, yup even with all the reservations I had from my last trip. After all, why not start the new chapter of my life in a new place, right? I hope to come back to the Gold Coast pretty frequently, at least my mum is hoping that i will be able to!

But I know it will be hard to leave my family and friends here. I'm already missing Milly and Judy and they've only gone on a 1 month, and 2 month trip to Asia! Well, absence makes the heart grow fonder :)