Tuesday, January 09, 2007

new year, new life

Looking at the last post, i really managed to stay away from this blog whilst i was in swotvac.
Nevertheless, i still did too little study than i really should have. Lucky I still managed to do well overall or I would really have been crying!

Now that uni is over and I'm a Graduate, looking at the year gone by, i've realised that i truly have grown and feel like i've matured more than the 1 year that has flown by. Here's a recap:
Firstly, to kick off last year (2006), i left home (Gold Coast, that is) and settled in Singapore for 2 months on an internship. Proving that it was much harder than I thought it would be, I missed my family and friends that I'd left behind in Australia, i felt like a foreigner in a place i spent the first half of my life in, i had no friends. ok, i still had my old childhood friends and cousins, AND i made a bunch of new friends too but it's not the same as having my good ol' friends in aussie-land :( It was definitely a sobering experience that really felt like i had been thrown into the real world.
Secondly, i turned 21. Not really the momentous event i had imagined it to be but still...I'm really all grown up, officially.
Thirdly, one of my friends got engaged. Or technically two, since I know both of them...hmm. Now, I've known a whole heap of people who have gotten married but not one that is as close as this. They got married in December and it was such a beautiful ceremony and reception and the venues were great too.
Fourthly, i graduated from uni. Time to look for a proper job and live life. And i no longer get money from daddy and mummy haha :p

So, this year I will be starting a new job, a proper job, a career for life! I'm moving back to Singapore, yup even with all the reservations I had from my last trip. After all, why not start the new chapter of my life in a new place, right? I hope to come back to the Gold Coast pretty frequently, at least my mum is hoping that i will be able to!

But I know it will be hard to leave my family and friends here. I'm already missing Milly and Judy and they've only gone on a 1 month, and 2 month trip to Asia! Well, absence makes the heart grow fonder :)

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