Saturday, January 13, 2007

snip snip

NYE I got a little curious about how daddy's "layering scissor" works and decided that my fringe needed a trim, so that I could try it out. Mind you, I've been cutting my own hair for a good while now. I couldn't justify spending $30 upwards on a haircut since I paid a measly $16 in Singapore last Feb. Anyway, I got a little too adventurous and am now sporting a pretty short fringe ie. even after I've clipped it up it never fails to fall back into my eyes. So I've booked myself for a cut tomorrow morning. Not to shorten my already short fringe, but I've noticed that my hair has mysteriously stopped growing and my sister adviced that I may be needing a good trim to stimulate growth. I just hope it works and my hair will grow once more!

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