Thursday, March 08, 2007

ponderings and reflections

i wrote a really long post last night, reflecting my 3 weeks in Singapore and various ponderings of life here.

but internet explorer froze and i lost the whole damn thing! i'm not sure why i'm doing this now. the hangover is starting to set in, i can't get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke (and now its everywhere! my sheets, my clothes, me...), i'm still trying to remember bits and pieces of last night (and that will be my next post)...

so here's the short version:
i've been living in Singapore for 3 weeks now and what i've realised is how truly aussie i really am. there's a lot of things i'm still not used to but i'm coping.
i get alot of comments from people who say that i must be very brave leaving my family and my life to start over in Singapore, where i know only a handful of people.
but i really feel that if you want to get anywhere in life, you have to leave your comfort zone. and this is what i'm doing and the possibilities are endless. i just need to keep persevering. and i can be very determined when i put my mind to it!

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