Monday, August 28, 2006

crush some more

warning: this post will be entirely about my long-term crush (see previous posts for info)

and so this is...the 2nd time i have been introduced to him. the 1st being 15 months ago whilst waiting to go into an accounting mid-sem, having daisy doing a saying-name-while-gesturing intro mid-way through her last-minute cramming. i'm not even sure he remembered me then as the same person from stats class, omg 2 years before that!....hmmm there's something to think about. anyway, the whole point being today i had another intro and again, i don't think he remembers me. or maybe he does...ok here's the recap because i can and also so i don't have to repeat it to all my girls :)

i was walking around aimlessly, erm well at least aimlessly towards my next class that is, snack in hand, wondering if i should take up a "6 free foils" offer at the hairdresser tomorrow (will not be happening because the car is getting a facelift and i'm supposed to be "studying"). so back to my walking, i turned ie. changed direction, and sun in my eye, looked down onto the lovely pavement in order to reduce sun-damage to my peeps and thought i caught a glance of shikha's lovely bright green bag so i took a 2nd look and lo and behold! it's shikha!! of course i was happy to see her! with only one class with her this semester, i never get to see her more often than once a week unless i bump into her, like today! anyway, who did she happen to be walking with? yup you guessed it, him...small world? wellllll i would like to indulge with the whole story of thursday's really not that exciting. long story short, that's when shikha started talking to him and that's why they were together and that's why i had the chance of a 2nd intro! ok getting on with it, we said hi, shikha introduced us, talked a bit then shikha and i left. don't worry i didn't forget about my didn't start for another 40 mins. plenty of time! anyway as soon as we walked away, shikha emphasised her point that he's not attractive, proving that we do indeed have different tastes although i did mention before that he's not attractive. even to me. see...looks aren't everything! just like esther said :) then shikha told me that i was blushing before when i was talking to him and i was quite adamant that i wasn't blushing. in fact, i thought i was rather cool and calm and in control. very collected not at all flustered! but if i was or if he thought i was blushing then ohhhh nooooo!!!! :(

ok now looking back on this post, it's actually really sad and now i am indeed blushing. but life goes on and everyone can do with a good laugh right? ok better press "publish" before i chicken out!!

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