Thursday, August 24, 2006

love affair with purple

i hate queensland weather. why does it have to be so damn hot??? i'd rather not put away my jeans and cardis yet. although there are many people who would beg to differ. i know several skin-cancer loving people (ok don't take that personally) who are overjoyed at being able to tan every weekend, not being cooped up inside with the heater on. for me, i love bumming around the house in my pjs and being able to do almost everything that doesn't require me to socialise in comfy clothes. don't get me wrong, i love to dress up for a night out or wear something more than just ruggers and jersey (that was only during my college years) to uni. there's just something about pjs...

anyway, nice to see me procrastinating since i haven't finished studying for corporate accounting. guess i'm just easily distracted. but i am determined to finish it by the weekend so i can move on to....derivatives! actually studying up forwards, futures and options is so much better than learning consolidation journals for investments in subsidiaries. yup that's right, big yawn!

i was just thinking over the last weekend about how i never see anyone around anymore, especially chris ( i was thinking about him coz his birthday is today not for any other reason. btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS AND CHRISTINE!!!). and then i see him not once, but twice this week! sweet, i think, it happens! on monday, after a gruelling 5 hrs of mundane tutorials and lectures, i was berating myself for not bringing along a cardi (i'm not crazy, it gets really hot all day and then goes all freezing cold at night) and trying to walk as quickly as possible across the great court, praying that nancy already has the car ready so i'm not standing around for ages, when i heard my name. and then again. i mean you would think that i would look around after the first time right? my excuse: i was thinking about how cold i was! and a few metres away from me, is chris although i have no idea how i made out that it was him in the dark. i wave, i keep walking. so that was chris sighting number one. then yesterday, after scoffing down a huge roast beef roll for lunch, and fresh strawberries for desert during ubt, i was sitting in my lecture and the girl next to me was eating a chocolate cookie! a chocolate cookie! so of course, i was craving a chocolate cookie. i always get hungry all the time if i have a good-size breakfast in the morning. and i had roti and curry. so after almost going crazy for 2 hours with my cookie cravings, i was walking to my next tute, debating if i indeed should have that cookie i was craving for. and out of nowhere, seriously, nowhere, someone grabs my arm and scared the living bejeezies out of me. chris sighting number two. ok, more like meeting rather than sighting. and no, i had enough restraint not to have a cookie. but i do want one now...

you know how in high school you have that silly crush that lasts for only 1 second? maybe progression to uni also means that you hang on to your crushes for longer? alright, confession: i have had a crush on one particular boy for the last 4 years. crap! that's a long time! and it's not that he's particular attractive, in fact, shikha and i have concluded that he is indeed balding! alright, to be fair, he's more receding than balding but you get the idea. yes, i can be very dramatic. he's just....i really hate using this word especially since i just told someone (not telling who) that this is what he is....charming. like suave. like really really cool ( ok back to high school terminology now). ok so meeting this crush in a stats lecture in 2003, actually i wouldn't give a rats ass who he is accept that he demanded my attention back then. no, not being dramatic this time, but he spoke to me first. ok not really speak but more like, oh gosh this is not getting good it's like i'm digging an even bigger hole for myself, but he was teasing me. like in a high school way, since we did just graduate from high school not long ago back then. and although we didn't become one of those friends who sit together in classes, we did do alot of the same subjects (duh! same degree!) and so saw him quite often. but really, why do i still have a crush on this guy?? but i'm not the same boy-crazy michelle as i was back then ie. i don't do man-eating anymore so boys, you can relax.

then there's also a very perplexing issue of why great eligible guys that you meet and get to really know are almost always never single. and then by the time you get to stage where it would just be weird if you get together (ie he's like a brother to you) he becomes available and on the market.

so there's some things to think about. oh and right now, i'm taking on the challenge to memorise the book of james. i scanned through the verses and discovered how much wisdom and truth (very confronting ones) there are in them. so this little head is going to squeeze in a little more into that brain of hers!

and to top it all off, here is a photo i just received from lyn of the 2 of us in melbourne, taking snaps whilst mel tries on tsubis in the fitting rooms :)

oh and i'm totally lovin' purple at the moment. i'm even thinking about getting purple jeans! fashion faux pas or seriously bitchin' idea?? comments please!!

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