Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This must finally be the week that my lucky stars are all in line. Nope, it's just God's way of saying He's watching over me.

I am pleased to announce that I have indeed passed Investments so there is no need to panic about not graduating in December. Also that, in a way, I rock.

This year I have been preaching like no other that being single is a good thing. Maybe I was just trying to convince myself, along with anyone else who will hear. But now I truly understand why and don't blame God for leaving me alone with noone for companionship. One thing, if I did have a boyfriend in a serious relationship, would I really be free to choose what I want to do when I graduate? Ok I haven't decided what to do or where to stay but at least I don't feel commited to stay on the gold coast or even brisbane for that matter. I can choose anywhere in the world to go to. The world is my oyster. yada yada. I'm free and loving it. When I settle down and get married I will have plenty of opportunities to be responsible and sensible and think of my other half. But right now I don't have to be worried about how my partner will feel if I just upped and left. Singapore, New York, London, Melbourne, I could be anywhere and I wouldn't have to worry about a long distance relationship. I also don't have to commit myself to right here so that I can be with a bf, who i might add, may not be "the one". oh yeah and I can perve all I want on the hot boys that seem to inundate my finance classes :) make that a really really big smile :)

And I know that God is watching over my spiritual growth by providing me with a church and also uni bible talks (ubt) to learn more and meeting people who will be encouraging and inspiring my spiritual life.

I have also learnt not to be discouraged. that God has a plan for me. so i can start applying for all the jobs i want and if a rejection letter comes my way, I won't be saddened or discouraged but know that God is leading the way, and He will put me where i will be able to do the most for Him :)

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