Thursday, February 01, 2007

it's the first day of the month and I'm incredibly broke. my Compaq laptop which had to be repaired two or three times last year (in the middle of exams and the entire duration of my mgmt paper, no less!) is in the middle of another crisis. it is definitely on its way out, that much I know for sure. it takes a good 30mins to start up and at least 10mins to open up a 20kb Word document! i've threatened, cajoled, cried...that laptop is just lucky i haven't yet resorted to physical violence. although i did contemplate throwing it out my window...12 storeys up. and all this started when my parents and my sister got their shiny new Toshibas 3 weeks ago! but it will all soon be over when I return to Singapore. my mum promised me a new computer after I despaired about how much I can carry on board (with half my CFA books weighing me down). so now I can look forward to a new laptop, an iBook most definitely :) although i did check my bank balance in Singapore and even if I am richer over there than here, it's only by a little, reinforcing the fact that i need a job. it doesn't matter that it might be minimum wage slave-driving and soul-selling. a lesson for all the little boys and girls: see what happens and what you'll suffer if you don't study hard!

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