Friday, June 29, 2007


A few weeks ago I was chatting to Siping on MSN and she told me that she was suprised at me being in banking 'cos it's very aggressive and she thinks that I'm a gentle person, which I felt was nice to hear, since not many people I know would describe me as gentle...

So in all my excitement, I told Qi about it. She stared at me incredulously for a few seconds before laughing out loud. -_-

"She said you're gentle?!?!?!?! WAHAHAHAHA"

I felt my elation deflate...."like gentle in spirit la" I explained.

I've always aspired to be someone who is like a lady. The composed, cool, level-headed, classic beauty, intelligent type. Someone like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly. this very moment, the image that comes to mind is an unruly haired, witch-cackling, totally siao person.


Thursday, June 28, 2007


majorly annoyed! had to wait soooo long for the bus as usual and by the time i got home, i just missed the 9pm drama! grrr....

and nick made me think about durians again....who's up for a durian outing?!?!

Old Friends

Oh! Almost forgot one important, memorable outing!

It was on the night of the 15 June 2007.
Actually the whole day was pretty great, had the last lunch with Gloria Phua, it was also her last day at work. Us girls just met up last week for a lunch and GP was definitely missed. (Btw, we didn't have bak chor mee haha) I'm going to miss your legs dearie ;) I'll recognise them anywhere, any time!
* Gloria Phua Shi En on her last day at work.

I will not delve into why Miss Phua did not join us for Planet Shakers that night *Gloria stare*

I met Fiona after work and we took the train from Raffles Place to Expo (freakin' far!) where we met Sinyee and Yan Qi and headed for Planet Shakers at the Max Pavillion.

After the concert we met Gloria at Bedok for supper. Well, technically, it was dinner for the four of us while GP watched us eat. I quizzed our dear Gloria about her other plans and I was quite amazed and impressed as she dodged around my questions. My dear, I already know all about it, was just going to see what you would tell us when asked point blank.

*shakes head* I'm disappointed that you couldn't even tell us...don't you love us anymore??

The most impressive point about dinner/supper was the fact that even though in the end we let Qi order (um, actually she just declared that she will do it despite our protests), she didn't go all crazy like the last time at Newton! Fiona did a good job at controlling our dear girl :)

But what I really enjoyed was our discussion of spiritual gifts. And the sharing (even though Qi dominated hehe). I take so much pleasure in hearing and talking about and just the whole feeling that I've grown spiritually so much just in one night spent with my sisters in Christ. It's definitely one of the best ways to spend my time. We should do it more often!

I was also loving the fact that I was in the company of 2 of my oldest friends, Fiona and Gloria, my primary 4 classmates. Amazing that one of the deepest impressions left in my memory of my life before Australia was time spent with these two chickies.

Gloria - I'll always remember your curly pigtails with the red ribbon from kindy and running all over Serangoon North with you after school. Oh! And it's so funny that both of us remember going to Fiona's house and the irony of it is that Fiona can't even recall that we ever set foot in her house! One of the things that I love about Gloria is that she always has a smile on her face :) and her little giggles..teehee..

Fiona - my primary 4 partner-in-crime (like almost literally, I think). All I can remember from my time in 4 Joy was mostly spent with you, until we got separated...and I only remember that it was because of a letter(?). It's kindda sad in a way...but Fiona, I've always treasured you in my heart all these years 'cos despite what did or did not happen, we spent a fair amount of time with each other and I knew you were a good and special friend of mine in the way little kids have best friends back then....

These 2 special girls have remained locked in my past, I really never thought I'd see them again. And I'm glad Fiona re-connected me with Gloria, through whom I've found and developed a special friendship with my homegirls :) *tears of joy* thanks for taking me in and making my life-changing shift to Singapore so much easier. And thank you to Qi for bringing back my Singaporean slang :) I'm still learning more slang from her but she's starting to lag...Nicholas is coming up with more new words for me to learn! Hahaha...mud language...

Aargghh!!!! Crap! I've only managed to look through 7 deals! 577 more to go! Faint....and I still haven't found the problem yet grrrr! Ok, I won't stay past 8.30, which is in 10minutes...ok better get a move on!

Hmm...just realised how sentimental this post is.

Thank you Lord for the treasures you have placed in my life!

still @ work...

I don't know why I'm here, blogging. I should be trying to get my work finished so I can get out of here! And I should feel guilty because Joelle said that she'll wait for me so we can leave together...hmm wonder how that will go...

Well, I guess I haven't lost my absent-minded-ness: I was walking around with a bunch of reports, [oops Joelle just popped by] and thanks to the fickleness of K+ I had to change a few terminals...and somewhere along the way, I left my reports behind and it got lost. Seriously, it got lost! I retraced my every step and still couldn't find it :( and the reason I was feeling upset about it was the thought of killing trees as I reprinted the reports.

Oh! And I've got a voucher for a free drink at Starbucks! All thanks to the silly guy who grabbed my drink and walked away....he was too busy chatting to the girl he was with to notice me trying to tell him that the grande caramel frappucino he just took was, in fact, mine. So the nice man at Starbucks had to make me another one while I made silly, nonsensical gibberish talk to Joelle (she, on the other hand, was ignoring me and flipping through a magazine). Then he brought it out to me personally and apologised for making me wait and handed me the voucher for a free drink :) I'm actually pretty impressed with the service at the Starbucks downstairs, they're always nice and chirpy.

And I really gotta go and check these deals...! And I'm missing the ending of the 7pm show (cos I get home halfway through the episode)...sigh, woe is me!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


my eyelids feel heavy. but i can hardly wait, only 1 hr and 10 mins before i go off to meet pao pao.

a nice surprise, my darling Lee sent an sms. hope married life is treating you well :)

there's someone I want to meet. the more I get to know of this person, the more excited I am to meet this person. but I will leave it up to Him.

i'm elated. everybody's coming back to Singapore, but what about Chris?
Lynette's already back, Esther is arriving next week!

thanks for the memories in June

not as predicted, i did not wake up in a panic.

i went to bed at 3am (wtf) and woke up 3 hours later and just laid in bed waiting for my alarm to go off.

and now i'm tired, grumpy and hungry. hungry because joelle and i decided not to have breakfast so that we'd have enough room in our stomachs for yum cha for lunch at the tea house at china square. but now my tummy is growling at me! 45 more minutes...

doh! i should be working. why do i always end up with shitty tasks?? need to compare deals from the simulation and dynamic, my eyes just glaze over thinking about it. fyi, there's like 8000+ deals.

by the way, june hasn't only been taken up by sickness. last saturday was lovely, met up with Jasmin, my sister's friend who works with Qantas. mel is such a lifesaver - i got a new pair of Sass & Bides (the bestest jeans in the whole wide world!!!), a new top, and Jemma Kidd bronzer! and then i met up with the girls - Siow Wei, Sinyee and Yan Qi - for some shopping and cycling and to the airport to chill (again!).

cycling at east coast park was fun :) there were lots of people out and about, everyone just spending time with loved ones and enjoying the lovely sunny weather. i don't know why we like going to the airport to chill but it was nice to just relax. went to the coffee bean again for our kid's pasta :) i discovered a good thing...

being at the airport, and at the coffee bean again reminded me of 2 Saturdays before, when Gloria Phua was still here and we dragged Nicholas along too. that was a fun day too - kbox with Siow Wei, Sinyee, Yan Qi and GLORIA PHUA!!! then going to airport where we met nick for our second dinner...hehehe...

Gloria: wow mich. you've got a good appetite.

Me: yeah, after one week of tonsillitis it's like i'm eating to make up for lost time!

then there was Gloria attempting to get a "silly" photo of Nick for her phonebook. and the viewing of our KBox videos...


I miss the random shit we emailed each other. I'm pretty sure I still have those emails.... and for the record, Luke started with the whole square dancing thing!

Luke Price (Australia) wrote at 9:37pm
Squishy mishy!!!!! We will be honoured and humbled to receive you back. (For a
little while.) Hope you survive til then. I will be in bris for your dates, so
i'll definitely have to take you hexagon dancing with the crew. How's wally?

Michelle Wong wrote at 10:32pm on June 25th, 2007
hello lukers pukers! i've decided to take up square dancing again, it is quite
an enjoyable sport, especially when one is feeling lonesome and slightly round.
i'll soon be gracing the city of brisbane and you will have to make the effort
to come and at least say goodbye (because you didn't the last few times, how
rude). and i hope you will consider joining your nearest square dancing class -
you're looking a little triangular these days. that's all.

what the heart wants...

one month has again managed to stealthily pass me by...

i reasoned that it's because I spent half the month being sick, first with tonsillitis then the flu. it was hard work ok...pathetically lying in fact, i've had so much rest/sleep lately that i can't get past 10pm without a yawn sneaking up on me. and i've just realised that it's 12.56am and i'll regret it tmr morning when i snooze my alarm for the millionth time and then jolt up suddenly at 7.35 thinking "s**t s**t s**t", looking at the time and wait for my heart to start beating again...

i've been praying hard lately: dear Lord, please bring me home, I miss my family and friends.
not satisfied, i planned to call mummy up and start crying so that she'll give me permission to come home soon. by the way, i didn't manage to get to it cos i was sick. but i still kept praying, especially when i was lying in bed, thinking i might actually be dying, and missing having mummy and mel around to fuss over me.
on Sunday, my prayers were answered. mummy asked me to check if i can take leave in august and coincide with their trip to melbourne.
I got really excited and after browsing the cheapest alternatives to get home (include changing planes and even taking up to 17 hours to get to brisbane even though it's only 8hours on a direct flight), i decided that i'll cough up $200 more to take the SQ direct to Brisbane. And then only after I charged it to my credit card did I get a sudden panic attack - overspent last month and struggling to pay my credit card bill and now the next month i'll be so tight with the airfares to pay for... but God is really looking out for me, mummy told me she will pay for the airfare (without me asking too!).

i've also come to realise that my blog is "boring" cos I hardly ever post up photos and it's all words words and more words. well, what can i say? I like talking. Alot.

I can't wait to go home! Back to the Gold Coast, feeling the soft sand between my toes, wind in my face, driving 120km/h on the highway...i mean 110km/h :) which reminds me that I need to renew my licence!! And partying with all my friends! I've missed the girls so much :( when you've spent 2 years living with each other, the bonds of friendship become so much tighter so much faster. total strangers become brothers and sisters. i remember my first meeting with each one of these girls (and boys)....

And so now I feel at peace.

I'm just too far, from where you are, I wanna go home.

I miss my little sister. I feel she needs me now. "Dearie, I know you hate Business and you never should have given up on Design and I know you need to go back to that. So don't hesitate and just go for it. You have our blessings."

I love the fact that my family always talk things out together. When I wanted to come back to Singapore and find a job here, start my career here, in the end, it was a family decision. Mel burst into tears but she didn't stop me from leaving and I am grateful for that.

all i feel like doing is curling up with a good book and john mayer playing in the background. i miss having moments like that all to myself. and at the same time, i don't want to be left alone. though there's so many people around me, i feel so alone and lonely. the loneliness weighs my little heart down. i feel like so much of an outsider. watching on, joining in, but never being part of the group. it only makes me so much more aware of how ostracised i feel. and that's probably the reason why here doesn't feel like home. now i know why they say it's lonely at the top.

i feel really frustrated. there's so many things I want to do, so many places I want to go. blame it on my ambitious streak. sometimes I feel that i'm ready to take on a new city, a new challenge. but then i get shit scared cos i know how hard it is to start over. and then again, i also feel that i should settle down. then i get worried - what if i find someone i wanted to spend the rest of my life with? will i stay? am i too much of a wandering spirit? and then i smack myself. why am i thinking of this now??? remember, God's perfect timing. and truly, Gloria is my motivation for this. although we didn't have time to really talk this out, there have been so many moments of little things that she's said that I've locked in my mind (",)

sigh. there's a lot that's bothering me. and a lot of daydreaming. i wish my brain had an "off" switch so i would just stop thinking so much!!

tmr, or rather today, i'll have some time with pao to catch up and watching shrek 3. i can just see me talking and talking and talking. my little darling pau, pls just tell me to shut up and put up if i get too d&m and go all emo on u!

and the world keeps on going, time ticks on...