Friday, June 29, 2007


A few weeks ago I was chatting to Siping on MSN and she told me that she was suprised at me being in banking 'cos it's very aggressive and she thinks that I'm a gentle person, which I felt was nice to hear, since not many people I know would describe me as gentle...

So in all my excitement, I told Qi about it. She stared at me incredulously for a few seconds before laughing out loud. -_-

"She said you're gentle?!?!?!?! WAHAHAHAHA"

I felt my elation deflate...."like gentle in spirit la" I explained.

I've always aspired to be someone who is like a lady. The composed, cool, level-headed, classic beauty, intelligent type. Someone like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly. this very moment, the image that comes to mind is an unruly haired, witch-cackling, totally siao person.


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