Wednesday, June 27, 2007

thanks for the memories in June

not as predicted, i did not wake up in a panic.

i went to bed at 3am (wtf) and woke up 3 hours later and just laid in bed waiting for my alarm to go off.

and now i'm tired, grumpy and hungry. hungry because joelle and i decided not to have breakfast so that we'd have enough room in our stomachs for yum cha for lunch at the tea house at china square. but now my tummy is growling at me! 45 more minutes...

doh! i should be working. why do i always end up with shitty tasks?? need to compare deals from the simulation and dynamic, my eyes just glaze over thinking about it. fyi, there's like 8000+ deals.

by the way, june hasn't only been taken up by sickness. last saturday was lovely, met up with Jasmin, my sister's friend who works with Qantas. mel is such a lifesaver - i got a new pair of Sass & Bides (the bestest jeans in the whole wide world!!!), a new top, and Jemma Kidd bronzer! and then i met up with the girls - Siow Wei, Sinyee and Yan Qi - for some shopping and cycling and to the airport to chill (again!).

cycling at east coast park was fun :) there were lots of people out and about, everyone just spending time with loved ones and enjoying the lovely sunny weather. i don't know why we like going to the airport to chill but it was nice to just relax. went to the coffee bean again for our kid's pasta :) i discovered a good thing...

being at the airport, and at the coffee bean again reminded me of 2 Saturdays before, when Gloria Phua was still here and we dragged Nicholas along too. that was a fun day too - kbox with Siow Wei, Sinyee, Yan Qi and GLORIA PHUA!!! then going to airport where we met nick for our second dinner...hehehe...

Gloria: wow mich. you've got a good appetite.

Me: yeah, after one week of tonsillitis it's like i'm eating to make up for lost time!

then there was Gloria attempting to get a "silly" photo of Nick for her phonebook. and the viewing of our KBox videos...

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