Saturday, September 08, 2007

proving to be a lot harder...

things that are really bothering me:
- work
- heart
work is just crazy busy. i'm getting dumped with all the shitty stuff nobody wants to do. "learning process" is what I get...that's pretty much code for doing(learning) the things that other people don't want, and if they pass it to me, it means they can do things they would prefer doing.... and yet, i can't complain. when it all gets to me, i turn to JPoh and just pour out all my grouses. the poor dear...
guarding my heart is also not that easy....i'm finding myself getting carried away again, getting caught up in emotions and feelings and letting loneliness get the better of me.
i think just have to learn to guard your heart u find it hard? to guard ur heart?
abit but u just have to be reasonable with yourself
reasonable? how?
i'm still struggling with the 'how' part. i keep telling myself it's all in my head. he's a friend. and that's what a friend would do. so i need to be reasonable and not start running wild with this insane imagination of mine.

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