Sunday, June 08, 2008

perth experience [27-29 May 2008]

it's the people who make your time spent memorable

and i enjoyed every single moment i spent in perth!

did you know that it's almost exactly the same distance (and hence, time) to travel from Brisbane to Perth as it is from Perth to Singapore?!!

that is, almost 4000km and 5.5hrs...

the touchdown

well... my flight had been delayed in Brisbane due to a number of factors...

if only i had known then i could have spent a little more time with Chris

who, btw, i found rather student-ish looking (read, dishevelled and looked like he just woke up. it was noon)

my first time in the Brisbane domestic terminal!!

hmm...ok, unnecessary excitement...

the flight was rather uneventful, which i spent with my iPod.

BUT i was super excited to see MISS PHUA again!

the girl didn't reply my texts but i hoped she got it...

and she did! hehe!

she tried to surprise me by hiding behind some trolleys but, sorry gal! i spotted you first! LOL!

we refused to pay the $4 for a trolley and so GP being all heroic, attempted to carry my super heavy (17kg) bag to her car.

i suggested that i wait for her outside the airport while she gets the car instead. (it was really heavy)

we had fun trying to get it up the stairs... or rather, GP had fun bringing it up the stairs!

a bit of rest and then GP brought me to dinner and movie with her friends :)

dinner at mahsuri, which had pretty good satays! and then went to see Indiana Jones which totally sucked

found Gelare which was next to the cinema, and thanks to the whole experience of perth and the company, now when i walk past a Gelare in Singapore, i think of perth!

after that, had supper at a 24-hr diner!!! LOL where i was first introduced to the game Bang!

GP tried to teach me then passed the duty over to Ian when she "died" hehe...

it was a fun night and, GP: your friends are awesome! :)

cold, wet day

we had it all planned! we were going to Rottnest and snorkel and tan and and and.... it wasn't meant to be!

overcast, cloudy, sprinkles of showers, cold.

so with little choice, we decided on breaky at King's Park, mini shopping trip in Perth city, then down to Swan Valley for wine and chocolate!

and then....dinner at the very raved-about Ciao Italia! the food and company were great, although Sarah and Gloria made a boo-boo ordering... waiter must have thought we really like the Ciao Italia sauce! ROFL! and poor Gabriel and the prawns...

so after dinner.... it was more food!!! went to Moon Cafe where we had fries and perhaps one of the best mud cake in Aussie-land! and i played Bang! this time around LOL! it was definitely lots of fun, trying to decide who to kill off first...hmm decisions decisions! and miss phua making fun of me lining my cards up neatly ;(

really wished i could have spent more time in perth.. there were so many things i wanted to do and try... like the CHILLI MUSSELS and going to Rottnest and going down south and trying the ice thing with the cute penguins!!! sighzzz...

sunny but sad

ironically, the day i leave it's sunny like crazy!!

we dropped Gina off for her early morning exam and went to Scaborough for a relaxing breakfast at Dome.

i'm really such a coastie, i feel so much at home when i'm by the beach, when i can see the open ocean against the mountainous backdrop...

after Gina's exam we had yum cha for lunch! and it was THE BEST egg custard i have ever had!

next stop was the airport... really sad for me to be leaving... back to reality and life and things that i cannot keep avoiding...

but before i left.... Gloria says i have to try the lime cake at Dome! so a rather quick bite at the airport and then it was hugs and byes... til we meet again!

really thanks to Gloria for feeding me so much while i was in Perth!

but the best part was that I enjoyed every single second spent with Gloria! i miss you gal... we should spend more quality time like this when you get back!! (and you better be back soon!)

swan spotting \ indiana jones \ after breaky
swan spotting \ bubble tea \ by the vineyards
relaxing at scaborough beach \ random surfer volunteered to take a photo for us \ in the car with bluey and pinky *hee*

good times with Gloria's friends (",)

our wonderful breakfast time & catching up with news by Scaborough beach

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