Tuesday, July 22, 2008


my heart was beating so fast, pounding against my chest so hard i could hear it echoing in my ears. my shaking fingers felt so clumsy, beyond my control. my breath caught in my throat and i didn't even realise i had stopped breathing. heart hammering as if begging to be let out. slight trace of tears pricking the back of my eyes. but i just refused to stop. instead, i kept going, some small voice in my head instructing me through the steps. until i couldn't go on any more. i casually looked up, smiled brightly, still shaking hand pushing away my fringe from my face.

"YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!!!" i screamed at myself silently.
but still i keep thinking about you.
how much i want to get to know you.
and i felt and heard my heart break.
because i think there is a more likely chance of me dying a slow torturous death.

and how much i don't want to sound like a freaky stalker!

i'm so afraid, that momo-chan will find out who you are. or all the girls for that matter..
is it so important that you remain a secret, so that no one can burst this bubble??

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