Tuesday, July 01, 2008

the missing piece

i'm so grateful for that short conversation we had on sunday night.
almost afraid that we weren't going to have a chance to talk at all.
but you didn't disappoint, i knew you would talk to me and you did :)
thank you, because no one else would understand as well as you...because i never told anyone what happened the last time. and it was never brought up again.
when everything resurfaced again, the hurt i felt the first time, fiona told me i needed to first forgive, only then can i let go and perhaps not be so bothered now.
i know, circumstances are different now.
i just miss having you close.
i know that if i'm wrong, or have misjudged, you would let me know too.
that even now, as my anger just gets fueled more and more, you would have the words to reason with me.
and though i feel at such a loss and burdened and weighed down with sorrow, you would only have to sigh softly and i would know that you would do anything to take away the pain.

if only you were here...

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