Tuesday, September 19, 2006

this face, it's angry
everything sux big time!!
i'm trying to remain optimistic but viewing my html assignment marks just tipped me over the edge.
on top of that i'm seriously stressed out about how i'm even going to survive the rest of this semester.
there's way too much pressure on me right now.
too little time.
i don't have time to make this cute little dress i've designed.
i'd rather jump off a cliff than face another auditing quiz.
i'm in the worst bitchy mood ever.
so steer clear of me for awhile.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

More than a few people have been asking me: who is this mysterious guy I have a crush on?!
It's a secret.
Actually it's not really.
But only Shikha and I know who it is.
So really, it's a secret.

Chocolate coated coffee beans
I love these! It's the greatest invention ever!
I'm not much of a coffee lover.
I only like it with a million teaspoons of sugar.
It gives me energy like no other, even my first love Coke doesn't come close.
The dark chocolate coated ones are the best. Trust me.
A word of warning: don't eat too much at one go unless you want to induce giddy nauseating feelings.

Left behind
Mummy and sister are going to Singapore in 2 weeks.
I have to stay behind and study. Suppposedly.
It's so cruel that they talk about all the good food they will be eating. Without me.
Char kway teow, roti prata, chicken rice!!!
I need to get an internship in Singapore for Dec-Feb.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A glimpse of the future?

Less than 3 months to graduation.
I still have no job, no plans.
It's only because I'm lazy.
Also, I know I can easily get a boring accounting gig.
But I want an exciting investment banking, go places job.
So I have decided to start my own business.
More of a little side project whilst getting my life together and my CFA qualification.
Will also be applying for internships for the summer hols.
And summer internships in Europe!
Hoping that this will be a good way for me to gain experience and decide if this is the path I want to take for the rest of my life.
I'm not ready to leave the nest yet, figuratively speaking.
I'm not cashed up enough :)
Yes, I do spend too much money on useless material possessions.

It just hit me that I can't expect to do what I've been doing for the past 3 1/2 years - cramming - if I want to get a good overall GPA.
Especially since discovering that I've managed to push it up in the last couple semsters.
So I've decided to keep on top of my work and study a little everyday.
Of course, this comes after I procrastinated and then struggled for my mids.
I hate feeling shitty walking out of an exam.
I also hate the whole head-banging, kicking-yourself feeling when I get the results.
Worse still, I hate the fact that alot of other people do better than me.
The competitive streak coming out.
Too bad it only comes out when results are announced and not before the exam.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

an Epiphany, a Resolution not to resort to stalker-esque activities, and a Ban

More to come.

And I'm leaving uni for home now.
found a partner!
...of the assignment type that is.
I was walking to my info systems tute and bumped into long-time, long-lost friend Mel.
She asked where I was off to and I replied, eyes rolling, "info systems tute".
She says "what?!" and I say "1201...computing subject..."
And she starts screaming and told me she was also doing this subject.
After much hoo-ha about how we've managed to miss each other, being in the same lecture and all, we decided to pair up for this assignment.
Just when I was about to email the lecturer to let him know I've decided to go solo.
I think I can handle databases and spreadsheets *sarcasm

That was very mood lifting, finding someone who did the same subject in the only subject I have no friends in.
It was definitely needed after my very deflating auditing lecture.
It wasn't so much the lecture that was deflating rather than people saying things that was deflating.
Or rather what I was eavesdropping that was deflating.
To my mood, ego and everything in between.
Will definitely need to fill Shikha in for this one.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My laptop has died on me again!!
Hoping repairs will be hastier this time around, but won't be able to send it in til Tuesday :(
Studying for accounting is stressful.
I've just had about enough of eliminations.
Then realised I haven't even gotten to minority interests, changes in ownership interests, and indirect interests.
Better get a move on.
I was talking on the phone to Shikha the other night, gossiping as usual.
To get some privacy, I went to the bathroom; sis was in bedroom, parents watching tv n cooking.
Anyway, after our conversation, I went back to the bedroom where my sister told me that I did not get the privacy I was after.
Instead my conversation was amplified for everyone to hear due to the bathroom acoustics.
Note to self: never take my phone calls to the bathroom!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

emo sets the mood

Unless I'm going a hardcore all-out study session, I need something that will distract me from the silent-ness of studying alone.
I like watching dvds but that can get a little too distracting, especially when it gets to the good part.
TV series are my favourite though. For some reason I concentrate better on my work.
But if I'm semi-serious, as in I really need to kick my ass into gear, then music is the best way to go.
And what better music to set the study mood than emo.
R & B just makes me want to go clubbing with the girls.
But the #1 reason why I think emo music goes best with studying: the sad melancholy tunes matches perfectly with my whole attitude for the need to study. Kindda torturous. Unless I totally get it, then I would love to study.

After getting home from my sucky day at uni yesterday, Shikha and I had a 45-min conversation dissecting the derivatives exam.
We couldn't come up for an answer for the payoff diagram.
Everyone we know had a different diagram.
Perfect emo music mood.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

what a day!

today was the day of my derivatives exam. that is how it will go down in history!
i walked out of this exam feeling like shit. uh-huh. now i will have to spend my swotty studying my ass off for this when it should have been easy. easier.
anyway, given the black mood i was in, i just wanted to be by myself so i can wallow in my grief.
and also because i have a 50% mid on monday that i haven't started studying for. so much for all the hurt i was gona put on corp structures eh. i hate accounting.
so having walked all the way from uni to judy's (where i've left my car from when i visited her this morning) i was, naturally, thirsty....for water!
bought a bottle of water, got in my car and some idiot wanted to park right behind it so i decided to drive off first.
of course, then when i turned onto sir fred schonell, given the sharpness of the turn, the bottle fell over to the other side of the car. out of my reach!
so then i spent the next 10 mins trying to reach it but of course, this is the only time my "traffic curse" gets lifted and its smooth sailing the entire journey.
which meant that i was extremely dehydrated when i got home.
good thing i did not faint since it was also very hot! otherwise this post will not be up now.
and i thought i would be fairly prepared for this exam. sigh.
there's a lesson to be learnt here: study harder for the next mid!!!
on my way now.... *dragging feet