Wednesday, September 13, 2006

found a partner!
...of the assignment type that is.
I was walking to my info systems tute and bumped into long-time, long-lost friend Mel.
She asked where I was off to and I replied, eyes rolling, "info systems tute".
She says "what?!" and I say "1201...computing subject..."
And she starts screaming and told me she was also doing this subject.
After much hoo-ha about how we've managed to miss each other, being in the same lecture and all, we decided to pair up for this assignment.
Just when I was about to email the lecturer to let him know I've decided to go solo.
I think I can handle databases and spreadsheets *sarcasm

That was very mood lifting, finding someone who did the same subject in the only subject I have no friends in.
It was definitely needed after my very deflating auditing lecture.
It wasn't so much the lecture that was deflating rather than people saying things that was deflating.
Or rather what I was eavesdropping that was deflating.
To my mood, ego and everything in between.
Will definitely need to fill Shikha in for this one.

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