Monday, November 26, 2007

a day in the life of...

alarm went off. could not wake up, felt extremely tired.kept telling myself i need to get up. but....just 5 more mins....

i'm ready and walked out of the house.oops...forgot my phone...luckily i was still waiting for the lift.

thinking about tuesday's bible study...the last week, i've been led to Ephesians..but i haven't had a chance to touch on the book yet.thinking about my testimony, how i've become the person that i am today and my relationship with God. dwelling on the past...?? also felt the need to revisit James

arrived in the office. felt instantly depressed.Lord, give me joy in my heart. i praise and am thankful that you have given me this job.i feel that maybe God is speaking to me, i need to open my heart and listen to what he is saying (just like Samuel). perhaps it is his way of letting me know that it's time for me to move on. or maybe that i need a complete change in career(!!). either way, i just pray that he will open (and close) doors and lead me to where he wants me to be.

ami just overheard something about tithes...i wasn't eavesdropping, the speaker was talking so loudly it echoed through the WHOLE office!and i felt sad, disappointed...angry...but i stopped myself. i have no right to judge, only God does... Ecc 3:17
8.26ama quick email JPoh letting her know that we NEED to have lunch today so I can update her ;)

i'm drained...

suddenly thought of the topic of prayer...will email the others, but somehow i feel that i need more time to prepare for this topic...

sleep deprivation makes me emotionally unstable. but i've been getting enough sleeping hours!! yet i still feel like i haven't slept a wink at all...

renewed sense of hope and purpose? Eph 6:5-8and then Eph wondering if i have time to do this well...Melvin sure sets a high standard!

*.* stars in my thinking about the things i told sw and fiona hohoho last night...

needed a breather. will post this up now i think.
oh and Siping just sent an update! :)

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