Wednesday, March 19, 2008

February updates

i've been in Singapore for a year now and have missed my dearest friends from down under!!
though Judy had a stopover in HK and i had actually seriously thought of flying over to spend some time with one of my first ever friends i made in aussieland, i was terribly broke n then heartbroken that i could not meet up with her :(

but still! some friends i haven't seen in a LONG time (oh the history and stories we shared!) came on whirlwind stopovers (like overnight) hahaha...
luke and nigel had a one night stopover here after their one month in thailand, cambodia and then some! hilarious story of nigel's on-the-piss injury (very reminscent of college days) in a beach party in thailand....involving a giant skipping rope on fire.....hmm..... and the video that they showed me capturing the moment....PRICELESS!! *shakes head*

Luke & i in Chinatown

and then it was Kate's turn the following week! after her year-long stay in Ireland, she is on her way back home....back to Bundy!!

Lunch at TCC with Drones (:

And of course, the saddest day in February....... our send-off dinner and coffee for Chris(tor). Dinner at the Pizza Place and were supposed to sojourn to Max Brenner afterwards BUT we were too full and settled for Starbucks instead. I really love getting together with Esther and Chris (Pao, you were dearly missed, but Melb would've been better right? :p)!! Always LOTS and LOTS of crazy laughter (",) the truly lame jokes, the terrible suan-ing of each other, sweats --> WATERFALLS, love-life woes straight out of Korean dramas, and work-related dilemmas!

i still find it truly amazing how our friendship has grown from casual intern acquaintances to what we have now that i treasure so much...

i love telling the story of how i got to know Chris - i had heard so much about him from ZR but only met the "infamous" Chris like about a week later when he was rushing out on his way to a client's place! BUT the best part was how the next time i saw him again, he took me and Shanny out after work.......but it was so dodgy!!! poor shan and i discovered on the train to meet him at BRADDELL (where we have never been before!) that we both didn't know him at all! after accusing each other of i-thought-u-know-him-very-well-that's-why-i-agreed-to-go we had this thought that Chris might take us to GEYLANG!!!! panic-stricken, we devised a plan to make a getaway if he did take us to Geylang... what followed was rather amusing... will not go into details but we ended up in Cosy Bay (fyi we did pass through Geylang. fyi shanny n i did exchange looks of panic and fear. fyi that was when we asked Chris where he was taking us!) it ended up being a great night of getting to know each other :) hmm... jay chou and the one and of Aussies and Kiwis! then we told Chris that we thought he was going to take us to Geylang and who knows what might have happened........ i think at that time he just thought we were crazy little girls with overactive imaginations! well, shanny n i were still young and impressionable back then!

esther's story is also amazing... amazing in a way that i still remember her name after all these years (10 years!) and even more amazing that our paths have crossed again and this time we got to know each other much much better! mind you, she was still as shy and quiet as ever but my chatty self opened up the way to a wonderful friendship ;)

catching Esther in one of her unglam moments

Chris is SUCH a poser LOL!

being uncooperative...

metro Chris and his metro shoes from Aldo

we were probably re-hashing his sad love-story

see...poser again....tsk tsk

really really loved our gathering on the 4th day of CNY. playing card games...talking crap...eating bak kwa!!!!!!!!!! hehehe....

we miss you Chris!!!! you better come back in July to see us!!!

study hard and remember to stay away from "AUNTIES"! ROFL....

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