Sunday, March 23, 2008

march in pictures

ivy bought us mini snacks from Coffee Bean!
thanks for the lovely flowers for my baptism :)
i haven't received flowers for a very long time
and thanks Mel, i do understand the significance of the red & white roses!
"Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord.
"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
- Isaiah 1:18
was gonna blog about my baptism but...another time...same with my b'day..heez

did lunch with JP...just the two of us, at TCC :)

this was my choice of beverage...hazelnuts in was good!after a SUPER depressing day at the office, decided to shop for some non-essentials

the splurge - bobbi brown

foundation brush, lipgloss and blush

dinner last sunday night with the elusive cousin

was on msn when she asked me out for dinner, only 1 hour notice!

but she treated for my birthday

thanks couz! :)

the venue: hip diner @ cineleisure

the interior

the company

boston clam
chocolate shake, damn good!
potato was missing sour cream -_-
steak on skillet...not fantastic

after dinner, went to watch Water Horse...cute movie but very free willy haha!

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