Friday, March 21, 2008

Maundy Thursday

it had been a miserable week, been down with respiratory tract infection :'(
lots of rest was what i needed.. my troubles and burdens seemed to just keep piling..

but i wanted to go for Maundy Thursday service, since i felt that i needed some fresh air after spending the whole day sleeping.

really glad i did make it. just being in the sanctuary... reflecting on Jesus' last night.. how he must have suffered, knowing what was to come and how he must suffer in the hands of men, to redeem those who would mock him and torture him... oh Lord, how worthless i am of your great and perfect love.

as i think of my own suffering now.. everything is failing me - my health, my work, my heart.. i feel like i'm slowly dying from the inside.. but i'm clinging on, holding on with whatever i have left in me, to the hope and joy in Jesus Christ alone. i'm barely holding on.

Lord, i turn to your Word to strengthen me. Lord, i turn to you. Lord, i'm pleading with all i am and with all i have.. please rescue me.

May the joy of the Lord be your strength... thanks Siping for the reminder.
i admit that i never really grasped the concept though, until of late...
what is the joy of the Lord and how can it be my strength?!!
but i've prayed and he has opened the eyes of my heart.
and now i know, that true joy comes from Christ alone, it is the quiet, confident assurance of God's love and work in our life - that He will be there no matter what!
so i am drawing strength from the joy of knowing Christ. no matter what happens, at least i have that hope to cling on to. and i believe that he has a plan for me...
happiness will fade, it comes and it goes.. happiness depends on happenings.
but JOY depends on Christ. and he never changes.

Christ still reigns and we still know him, so we can rejoice at all times!

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