Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Last night was a Not So Small fellowship - dinner at Teahouse, Raffles City, a bit of a stroll through CityLink and Marina Square, dessert at Azabu Sabo, Marina Square. I always get this warm fuzzy feeling every week when we meet for small group :)

Dessert at Azabu Sabo

Nick, Me, Melvin

Siping, Shuyi, Sharon, Sinyee

Nick, Sinyee, Qi, Me

Us four again, this time under "yellow" lighting (why are we all bending?)

I'm happy again. Truthfully, I think I'm just happy all the time with sad moments here and there lol. Although right now, work is pretty much slowly taking over my life and exhausting me out. I feel my near-perfect eyesight slowly deteriorating from staring at the computer screen almost 10 hours every day. Not to mention when I go home and turn my laptop on (out of habit mostly).

Hmm...I'm glancing around my desk and really, I do have a lot of food stashed here! I could open shop and sell cookies or lollies (plenty of that). I've become such a glutton since starting working life.

Bumped into a friend on Saturday and we promised lunch this week but I've realised how much I've underestimated my "busy-ness" - courses to go to, people to meet...and then there's just the occasional laziness when I don't feel like going out for lunch and fighting over tables with the other lunchers. And the fact that I always forget to bring tissues....

Qi put in a last minute request to join us for the Transformers movie at like 6.30pm after I had made a booking for 3. So I called her up, despite the fact that it's knock-off time and I've still got a bunch of work to do. It was a rather entertaining 20mins chatting to her, or rather whispering to each other, and giggling like schoolgirls while I was clicking away and booking a seat for her next to us (at least I hope I remembered the row correctly.... -_-). The first thing she said, "hello, sharon" in that super sweet voice that I've never heard until that point in time. Then I remembered Gloria telling us about it...LOL so I replied in that same voice "hello, sharon" and erupted into giggles. "Michelle!!!!! SAIIIIIII!!!!!!"

YAAY!!!! In approx 2.5 hours my dear Esther will be back in Singapore, for good!!!! At least she better not go back next sem for masters.....

A 21st invite received last night. It seems so long ago when I was getting 21st invites every other day and I feel like I'm sooo old and then remember that I just turned 21 last year too.

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