Wednesday, July 18, 2007

siao liao!

yes, the crazy 2 came out to play again last night. qi and i decided it must have been something in the fish soup we had!

last night i was late to dinner, noted by qi who announced "i'm earlier today!" followed by her characteristic laugh...yes, you know the one i'm talking about ;) the little burst of "HAHA". just that.

i'm can't remember exactly what we were psyched about but we laughed heaps. really, like, heaps.

at the moment in small group we're doing a series of "how to do bible study". at the end of it, we're supposedly going to take turns to lead. as much as the thought of leading not so small in bible study is intimidating (so much so that i might actually faint), it's really quite exciting at the same time and i have this feeling that God is preparing me to be used :)

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