Monday, July 09, 2007


I finally put my Filofax back to use again. For a short while, I attempted to use my O2 and Outlook to organise my very disorganised life. However, my efforts were proved futile when my O2 decided to die on me. And the Filofax has proved to be most reliable, when updated. So far, I've only managed to record my appointments, I haven't touched my finances yet (and not looking forward to doing that). I will need to be more miserly in the coming months :( which is actually much easier when I just chill/hang out with friends rather than aimless shopping (or window shopping, cos I always end up buying something).

Transformer Friday

I managed to finish all my work on time (I seriously know now that I work better under pressure and stress, even though it's not so good for my health) and rushed down to Cineleisure to meet the early birds, Siow Wei and Sinyee. Collected tickets, wandered around while waiting for Qi to arrive, then bought drinks and popcorn. Our seats were ace (",) and the movie was awesome! I loved it despite earlier doubts. Well, Nic watched it twice...must be at the very least, passable. After the movie, we met Gen (note to Gen: see! I'm nice enough to just call you GEN) and chilled at Maccas at Shaw. Plenty of laughs, as usual, and I'm glad Gen has joined our "family". We also learned an important lesson that night: flagging a taxi on Orchard Road is the fastest way to get a cab.

Dentist? Not today.

Saturday we had a plan to go to the dentist. I had been fretting a little cos I just hate going to the dentist. I mean lying paralysed on a chair while someone pokes, jabs, prods at your open mouth....and the pain and the blood... So, we got to Bishan at 1.30 and the dentist closes at 12.30 -.- so we're attempting another try the coming Saturday. Qi brought me and Gen to eat at her parent's place. SUPER NICE!!!!!! But I was so sad that I could only manage about one-quarter of my bak chor mee because it was SOOO spicy! Eeks... it made me tear :') But I loved the dumplings, have to eat it again soon... :) Afternoon, more chill time at Starbucks and shopping again... I'm seriously going bankrupt soon, really worried. I introduced Siow Wei and Sinyee to one of my favourite humour books: The Book of Bunny Suicides by Andy Riley.

An upsetting encounter at Orchard MRT, but I'm moving past it.

Blessed Sunday

Another wonderful Sunday! I got up bright and early, even though I struggled to wake up. Took Benjamin for Sunday School with Wendy. I'm really starting to get the hang of it but I'm not sure about doing it by myself. Would I be able to cope? I'm still thinking of going into main stream... Pray that He would lead me. Lunch at Fin @ Marina Square, Nicholas' suggestion, Melvin's recommendation. Fish and chips! I haven't had that since leaving Australia and although I've definitely had better, it wasn't bad at all. I'm so proud of myself that I didn't buy anything even though I was dragged once again to Zara and Mango sale. Need more days like this! :) Then we pigged out at Maccas - nuggets (26 pieces in all, shared between 4 gals), fries, Himalayan tea lattes. And that was just before Qi and Sinyee were heading over to relative's for dinner.... I went back to church for the Pastor Jen Huat's 7.30 service, he was pastor at PLMC when I attended when I was little and he still looks the same! The sermon was enriching and I enjoyed the service. It's different from the morning services, lesser people, but still so full of God's love and presence. Somehow, it feels a little more personal, more peaceful, quiet reflection.

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