Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Because He Said So
Rachel Olsen

“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands.” 2 John 1:6 A (NIV)

Is there a summer camp for kids destined to become lawyers? If so, I’m ready to sign my daughter up. No, I’m kidding. I love her dearly but she can wear me out with all her questions and challenges. She is a pre-teen now but this started years ago.

About the time she turned four, she had been out past bedtime at an event with her father. She’s an extrovert so being out late around lots of other people had her really wound up and talking non-stop on the way home. The more she talked, the more animated she became. Finally my husband said, “No more words, honey, we’re going to be quiet for the rest of the ride home.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Because it’s late and you are tired, and you need to let your body wind down and rest.”

“I’m not tired at all,” she insisted.

“You don’t realize it but you are very tired; its past bedtime and you need to settle down.”

After a moment of silence she said very matter-of-factly, “You can’t know how I’m feeling.”

My husband, who has a Ph.D. in communication, came through the front door saying, “Our preschooler just out reasoned me!”

She wants to understand our plans, motives, and reasons for everything. If she doesn’t understand the logic of something she has a hard time accepting it. She loves us and truly wants to please us, but she wants to know why before she obeys. She’s usually very obedient, once she’s heard our reasons. Nonetheless, in response to her questions I’m sometimes tempted to use that infamous parental phrase: “Because I said so!”

I wonder if God ever wants to use that phrase with me?

I sometimes challenge His rules. Do not murder – check. Do not take the Lord’s name in vain – got it. Honor your father and mother – OK. Do not gossip – hum, not even in the form of a prayer request? Do not lie – you mean, not ever? Do not envy – is this even possible?

Other times I question His ways. Can’t You just feed the poor by making crops grow? Why do unbelieving drug addicts conceive babies, but my own girlfriend who follows You cannot? Why didn’t You give me more organizational skills if You were going to have me marry this man and do this job? … Are you sure You got the formula right when You made me?

God is infinitely more patient a parent than I am, and He is abounding in grace and love. He can easily handle all my questions without exasperation. But I wonder if He wishes I would just simply trust and obey – just because He is God. I know I wish I would!

The scriptures say: “Do what your king commands; you gave a sacred oath of obedience. Don't worryingly second-guess your orders or try to back out when the task is unpleasant. You're serving his pleasure, not yours. The king has the last word. Who dares say to him, "What are you doing?" Carrying out orders won't hurt you a bit; the wise person obeys promptly and accurately.” (Ecclesiastes 8:2-5, MSG). I want to be that wise person.

The Bible further assures me of His capable hands and creative purposes saying: “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?' Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?” (Romans 9:20-21, NIV). Yes, He certainly does. I want to be the fancy pot but I have to trust I will find the greatest joy when I accept the purposes He’s designed me for.

So my goal today is not to question God but simply to trust and obey... even if I don’t understand why and even if it’s hard to do. I will accept the way that I am made and the plans that He has set before me. Yes, I know I can take all my questions to the Lord and He will lovingly sift through them, but today I want to obey His commands in swift, willing obedience – just because He said so.

Dear Lord, help me to show my love for You and others by knowing Your commands and obeying them. Give me the mind and attitude of Christ today and help be a woman who says “yes” to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Application Steps:
Write out a declaration of intention to obey God at all costs. Pray and ask God to help you grow in obedience.

Have you been challenging the Lord lately about the way He made you? Or the task He has set before you?

Are there commands that you are struggling with obeying right now?

Will you leave this place of questioning and doubt and move forward in obedience?

Power Verses:
Romans 6:16, “Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?” (NIV)

2 Corinthians 9:13, “Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.” (NIV)

It's really been driving me crazy....the last few weeks I've been faced with difficult decisions and yet I do hear God speaking, through devotions, bmc discussions, readings, friends....

The last lesson of SHW, Esther spoke about spiritual shortcuts. i wonder if i'm taking a shortcut now...that by holding on to what may not be mine to keep, just for a moment's bliss, i'm taking a shortcut rather than trusting, leaning, having faith and clinging on to God's faithfulness and his promises.

God knows...how much I long to go back home, to feel the heat of the scorching sun and the soothing coolness of the summer breeze...to hear the waves lapping softly against the sandy shores...to smell the saltiness of the fresh sea air...to float in the sparkling blue sea and feel completely at peace, away from this cruel world. back home, to my mother's hugs...to my sister's consistent chatter...to my dad's "hmmm"s and when he laughs at me...to feel loved, not to be forgotten. back to where i belong, cruising along the highway with music blasting and my girls screaming the words we know so well in horrible off-key notes...breakfasting with new friends in quaint, overpriced cafes perfectly planted along the beach...to shop without having to fight the jostling crowds...to lie on grassy parks, watching the stars as they twinkle and shine...to indulge in Baskin Robbins ice cream on alfresco seating in the middle of a freezing winter night, to feel like i'm home and i belong.

There are many times over the past year where I've cried out to God, asking him why he has taken me from home and brought me here, where "home" feels so hostile and love only comes from God.

it's horribly painful, thinking you're never good enough, questioning why people would want to build relationships with you. i've struggled with this before....a long time ago.... but instead of relying on my own strength to pull me out of this hole, i need to look to God.

2 weeks ago in bmc discussion was around the topic of obedience.
and the ultimate example of obedience is found in Jesus. obedience is not easy, Jesus had to suffer so much for us by dying on the cross and rising again. and it wasn't easy, but Jesus prayed that "Your will be done" and this comes from love. indeed, love for God should create a strong desire to obey Him and his commands.

and just like parents warning their child about the dangers of the world, so does God. there is a reason for obeying your parents and God - consequences that are yet unseen. God is all-knowing and his understanding is infinitely bigger than ours! He knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, forever...and why should we rely on ourselves and take the long, windy, dangerous road when we can just obey and God will make our paths straight?!

And because He loved me first, because He loved me when everyone else turned their backs, because i've received his mercy and grace, i will stop running. just as jonah couldn't keep running forever, i will stop and obey. it will probably hurt like hell but i will always have Him.

someone precious said to me, "even Jesus needed time to be alone and pray to the Father, away from everyone and everything else" and so, i'm embarking on a journey. nowhere far. not for long. time is precious and distance is a problem. and going home is impossible. but this precious friend gave me good advice, and i've meditated and i believe that i'm ready. this is a journey that must be done, to seek him and to find some purpose and reason amongst the chaos. just one day to find some quiet and gain some perspective. tomorrow is a new day. and of new beginnings.

i need his guidance so desperately..............

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