Saturday, February 02, 2008

the rest of my life...

you know, i'm beginning to discover once again that the rest i find in Him is far greater than anything else :)
when i feel desperate and sad, He gives me peace and comfort.
He reminds me that between the urgent and the important, i need to be still
that i need to be prayerfully waiting on God continuously, everyday...
i don't believe that He would let me go through all this hurt and pain that i'm feeling...but in this broken, fallen world, i need to seek His perfect love for me
Lord, help me to bring back joy into my life and not be dragged down any longer by the weariness of the darkness

hmm....been on the topic of spiritual gifts for bmc...
tina mentioned something interesting, about the difference between Spiritual Gifts and natural talents, and that spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit
made me look back and realise that i know that i have truly been blessed with these gifts and that i could probably pinpoint when it was that i received it.
she also mentioned the "cautions"......puts some perspectives into how i feel sometimes, i need to watch myself yeh...

still exhausted...but it's been a truly blessed day :)
goodnight goodnight

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