Saturday, February 09, 2008

a passionate life

what is your passion?

that was the question my uncle asked my cousin and me after dinner on Wednesday night.
my cousin said he doesn't know.
i had to agree, i don't know either.
and i've been thinking about it ever since...

and as i read a devotion this morning, it asked the same question: who are you? what are your dreams?
an excerpt:
Who was I? What did I like to do? Unfortunately, I’d never taken time to answer those questions. Instead, I had tried to be who others wanted or needed me to be. But honestly, I wasn’t very good at it. I often had this uneasy feeling in my heart and a sense of just not being happy. I was also a constant candidate for burn out.

Later the facilitator encouraged me to ask God what His dreams were for my life and to spend time getting to know myself better. She also suggested I read some books on personalities. I took her advice and began a process of getting to know the real “me” who’d gotten buried in the busyness of life and people-pleasing.

i need to take time to discover the person God made me to be...
i don't want to grow old and never know His purpose for my life

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