Wednesday, May 14, 2008

back on the Goldie!

the last few days have been a whirlwind. i didn't really have alot of time, but somehow the time spent with various loved ones seemed nice and long and i really thank God for it. especially when emo michelle was in such a depressed state. my poor dears had to deal with me and i really pity them (and thanks a bunch for all cares and concerns!).

ok, so thank God that issues have been resolved!
the flight here was.... ok, i admit i don't remember much of it! i spent most of the time sleeping. think this is the first time i got on a plane and was just so tired that i can actually sleep in those tiny excuse for a seat! although i browsed through the entertainment guide and found some gems i had been planning to see including 27 Dresses (ahh Chris!), PS I Love You, and many more including JUMPER! ok, i had already seen that movie but... haiz....
actually i was given a window seat, but i saw a middle row of FOUR unoccupied seats and sat there instead (after the rather rude air stewardess told me to just take a seat). sadly, another passenger also took the same opportunity after the fasten seatbelts sign went off so i only got 2 seats, which was so much better, at least i could curl up somewhat (uncomfortable as it was). and yes, i did suffer neck and back aches and was rudely woken up several times by said aches. oh and yes, rudely woken up twice by the turning on of bright lights for dinner and breakfast.

arrived in brisbane sleep-deprived and ready to collapse from exhaustion! mr chan was supposed to collect his guitar from me at the airport but he was caught in traffic (faint... i should have warned him? thought he would have known...). the bus ride home was rather uncomfortable, squeezed into the backseat with two oversized persons, somehow i managed to get about 40mins of shut-eye. vaguely remembered stumbling out of the squishy bus and into the arms of my overly eager and excited sister whose mood mirrored mine...on the other extreme end of the scale, that is! she was rambling on about something or other while dragging me along into our building. only thing i remember was thinking to myself how close all the shops were... as in, you come out of our building and shops surround us. literally. and Scooter is just right opposite our building entrance! fainted.... my sister and her shoes.... LOL
so our new apartment is just FANTASTIC!!! i LOVE it!!! pictures will come, i promise. right now, i haven't actually done anything constructive since being back.

my sister opened the front door and the moment i stepped in, i was almost tackled (Origin fever taking over) out the door again by my mother. i mumbled something like, "i need to pee really urgently" and was lead to the bathroom by my sister while my mum was saying something about giving me a tour of the apartment. and she did give me a rather comprehensive tour of the apartment with commentaries on the feature walls and plans to build a shoe rack and that the TV console is only temporary while another one is being custom made to match the mahogany legs of the couch, etc etc... then it was a quick shower while mummy made bacon and eggs and a nice warm mug of tea :) i told my mum that i was going to take a nap before going over to the shop to lunch with my parents (my mum was telling me how my dad will want to see me asap too), which she grudgingly agreed to after i complained how tired and sleep-deprived i was.
i crawled into bed, which was just so heavenly soft and i was so delighted at how many pillows there were to surround me. my sister, of course, was lying next to me, staring at me while i tried to sleep. "play with me!!!" she demanded. i asked her what she would normally do (she only had to go to uni at 1plus) and she told me that she would be sleeping. "so sleep" i told her. and i think she might have. and i think i briefly opened my eyes when she left too.
the next time i woke up was at about 5.45pm and it was almost dark outside, giving me the feeling that it was about 7pm. my mum came in and told me to get up otherwise i will never be able to sleep later tonight. i lazed around a bit, still half-asleep while my mum prepared dinner - pasta, steak, salad, roast potatoes, a bottle of 1996 wine, decanted! my mum was telling me that my dad had gone out and bought 6.5kg of kobe beef in anticipation of my visit, and then my dad told me in detail the reason why he went to buy it, which i will spare all of you of. while waiting for dinner, i managed to convince my sis to let me use the internet and did some catching up with yanqi and siow wei. i checked my email and to my horror, found an email from chris saying that he will be on the coast that day at 5.30pm and for me to call him! i checked the time... 6.45pm! i quickly texted him and we had an argument over phone numbers, calling, and... yeah, well, childish finger-pointing at who was supposed to do what. hehe...
dinner was good :) can't help but notice how quickly i filled up, considering how slowly i ate. we watched a movie about the life of bruce lee and daddy would add in his little commentaries on what actually happened, facts that i have no idea how he knows...
after dinner, mummy pulled me aside for a looooooooong chat over... ME! she has a plan. she has told my sister to ask her friend who works at NAB to see if he can get me a job there, and she wants me to work there while i complete my masters degree here. and other things as well....
and i still went to sleep at 11plus, no problems falling asleep! and this morning my mum came in early and asked why i am still asleep when i had told her i was planning to study in the morning?! i simply turned over and continued my journey in dreamland.
finally woke up at 9.30 when i heard my sis going out to wish my dad happy birthday and him saying to her, "ok, i have decided to forgive you since it's my birthday" and i said a silent thankful prayer that the cold war is over. i got up and washed up, wished my dad happy birthday and found my sister doing her assignment. was tempted to have bacon and eggs again but the oats caught my eyes and i excitedly had that instead: uncle toby's apple, sultanas and honey oats!
my sister laughed and told me that i really didn't bring much clothes over. i asked her if she has clothes for me... she said she had already gotten rid of those that she didn't want or couldn't wear. i sadly lamented that i don't have anything to wear tonight for dinner. she replied, didn't i tell you to bring something nice over?!! hmm..... well..... i didn't have a comeback for that. shopping?? hehe...
ok, need to hit the books! getting worried...

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