Friday, May 09, 2008

guess i'll run from here

when you have a choice between fighting or fleeing,
sometimes even the strongest choose to run.

i'm not even close to being strong.

this past week has been very much like something out of a drama.
really. when i said i wanted life to be more interesting, this wasn't what i signed up for.
i tell you what im sick of:
- the sound of my heart breaking. over and over and over and.......
- people disappointing me time and time again. selfishness and not being considerate of others. please can you just THINK for those you have left behind?!!
- conflicting emotions. hate. love. love. hate. bitterness.
- when this one person still affects me even though she should be left behind! whatever happened to respecting others?!!
- my need of knowing things. i mean, ignorance is bliss, ignorance is bliss, ignorance is....ARGH! i hate being ignorant!!!
- the elephant in the room

the last thing is one that i have to live with for awhile. i shouldn't have said what i said. i should have ren and kept my feelings and thoughts to myself.


i confess: i don't want to stay in singapore anymore. i wish it were that easy.

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