Saturday, May 24, 2008

a week in retrospect

it's been awhile.. i guess i haven't really been inspired to blog much. it's been a bit torturous getting dragged around, shopping for a dining set and bar stools, getting a new car...

managed to dragged judy home for dinner with the family. she got to see our spanking new place and try my mum's mee siam (prima-inspired, of course). lovely to catch up with J :) talking about life, careers, boys... and it's funny how just a few years ago we were chatting about what we wanted to do after uni and now we're chatting about what we want to do for the rest of our lives! ok, or at least the next few years. LOL. nothing much has changed, or maybe it's because we go through the changes together that it seems like nothing has changed... i do miss the Judy perspective on life though! wish i could have travelled europe with her... there will be other opportunities i'm sure!

had coffee with pei, who put up with me for 4 years of high school...
not really coffee, since i had a vanilla chai and since we're on the topic of coffee, let me just say that i think i might be suffering withdrawal symptoms or something. seriously, one week without coffee and i feel tired/sleepy and get incredibly grumpy and short-tempered on shopping trips for chairs (like, dining chairs and bar stools for our breakfast bench) and trying not to get caught in between the cold wars at home...
it was definitely good catching up with pei, reminiscing those old memories that i had almost forgotten... so many things that i had actually forgotten that she reminded me of...
and catching up on those lost times that we weren't there for each other.
must visit her in japan when she goes there to work in august!!

anyway, some photos...

the moon started to come out even before it got dark!
this was taken about 5pm

more photos taken from the balcony of our new apartment

i love the fact that u can see the sea as well as the hinterlands (ie. mountains)

snaps of the apartment:

the living room, kitchen and my parent's room

last week went to the Ferry Rd Markets

roses in all different colours!

gelati at $15 for 1L
we got hazelnut choc, chocolate and tiramisu

fish. just for the fun of it.

went to watch Made Of Honour with my sister on tuesday.

GOLD CLASS!!! but it really wasn't all that great...

i got my favourite cherry ripe though!

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