Wednesday, October 31, 2007

song of songs

the original datestamp on this post is 21 October 2007, 10:15pm.
but as you can see, it's now 31 October 2007, 12:45am. long overdue...


i should have done this earlier...

but reading this now is also appropriate...especially after _____

and so, some things to consider thanks to my study bible to guide me (since i'm without small group)...

- feelings of love can create intimacy that overpowers reason. don't be in a hurry to develop an intmate relationship based on strong feelings, feelings aren't enough to support a lasting relationship. therefore, do not force romance lest the feelings of love grow faster than the commitment needed to make love last. patiently wait for feelings of love and commitment to develop together

- because love is such a powerful expression of feeling and commitment between two people, it is not to be regarded casually. we are not to manipulate others into loving us, and love should not be prematurely encouraged in a relationship

- as you consider marriage, don't just look for physical attractiveness in a person. look for the inner qualities that don't fade with time - spiritual commitment, integrity, sensitivity and sincerity

- careful communication is crucial, don't let walls come between you and your partner. take care of problems while they are still small

- little problems can disturb or destroy a relationship. it is often the "little foxes" that cause the biggest problems in marriage. these irritations must not be minimised or ignored, but identified so that together the couple can deal with them

- never let problems, conflicts, or the ravages of time ruin your ability to enjoy God's gifts. Take time to enjoy the world God has created - celebrate your joy in the creation and in your love

- when you love someone, you will do all you can to ensure the safety of that person and care for his or her needs, even at a cost to your personal comfort. this shows up most often in small actions

- communciating love and expressing admiration both in words and actions can enhance every marriage, intense feelings of love and admiration are universal

- sex without marriage is cheap; it cannot compare with the joy of giving yourself completely to the one who is totally commited to you

- sometimes the familiarity that comes with marriage causes us to forget the overwhelming feelings of love and refreshment we shared at the beginning. do you refresh your spouse or are you a burden of complaints, sorrows, and problems? we should continually work at refreshing each other by an encouraging word, an unexpected gift, a change of pace, a surprise call or note, or even a withholding of a discussion of some problem until the proper time. your spouse needs you to be a haven of refreshment because the rest of the world usually isn't

.....see all the things i have to look forward to?? i just have to be patient ;)

i'm in love with falling in love but at the same time, i also feel that he is showing me in his own way that now is not the right time for me. i get so consumed that sometimes i put falling in love before God. and i truly believe that when i learn to overcome my weaknesses, to completely and wholly love God and put him first in my life, before ALL things, then i will be ready.

and to end, a man who loves God loves his wife (: something i've learnt from my friends

be encouraged in his perfect plan in his perfect timing (",)

the Lord is faithful to all his promises
- Psalms 145:13b

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