Sunday, October 28, 2007

way back into love

- blessed sunday -

there's a lot i learnt today. i know that God has spoken once again in my life:-
i've been struggling with psco and i've been asking God, "is this where you want me to be? Lord, it's too difficult for me, maybe i can serve you in other areas??" i even went as far as telling him that i can use that time to go to services instead...obviously he has other plans. and today he reaffirmed this once again. i give thanks and praise to God because he has shown me everything that i could be through his special children whom he loves and cares for very very much.

i rejoice that he has taken away my feelings of jealousy.
my sister Siping's simple words also touched my heart, though she probably doesn't know their impact! ;)

spent my afternoon relaxing ~ ok not so much relaxing :s with my colleagues andrew and amy and amy's friends (whom i met last time) :) lots of fun entertaining adorable 2-year old Asher, playing Guesstures (bridging age gaps ;) ), picking up the guitar...and wanting to learn more!!! we were hopeful about our trip to the botanic gardens even though it was thundering and raining cats and dogs most of the afternoon. Asher's mummy and daddy got him to pray (his prayers definitely go straight to heaven!) and by early evening we set off for the gardens! had a small picnic and rolled out the mats to watch Music and Lyrics.

finally shared with andrew my "love-life angst" after much questioning and pestering (i think he just wanted to be on par with joelle -_-) and i gave in....we definitely don't see eye to eye on "dating" although his views are very secular, very much what i would have said only a few years ago...but Josh Harris has definitely changed my life through that aspect and i wouldn't change it for anything in the world because it's also the reason for my turning over my life to Jesus once again. it also helped me to paint a clearer picture, and my casual flipping to ecclesiastes also helped me to realise.....that there is a time for everything but life is filled with emptiness if i spend it apart from God. so focus Michelle!!!!

ironically, Andrew's advice is DON'T GIVE UP!!!! -_-

anyway, i have that annoyingly upbeat song PoP! Goes My Heart on repeat in my head! ;( see below:

and of course....way back into love

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