Sunday, April 29, 2007

alone on a sunday night

for a second there, i almost considered using webdings font for this post. hehe.

i'm all alone, there's no one here beside me. even jake has rejected me. you know how they say absence makes the heart grow fonder? i truly believe that, actually i know that. when you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. i'm just so so bored, and chatting to qi on msn, she's also bored. i guess misery isn't the only thing that loves company.

i can do better. i'm sick of all this shit you put me through. i've been mentally and emotionally drained, i'm exhausted of all this drama filling up and spilling over in my life. but at the same time i can't get enough of it all. blame it on the attention-seeker in me. when you lavish me with sugar-coated compliments and look at me like i'm the only girl in your world. i should listen to my friends' advice and stay the hell away from you. but no one ever listens to the best advice given to them - it's one of the sweet ironies of life. i know i should run away, as fast as i can and as far as my legs can carry me but i can't stop myself from jumping into and free-falling into this abyss of torture and heartbreak. you're a player and not afraid to admit it. you're someone who is all wrong for me but i have a soft heart and lacking self-control.
please don't get me wrong, i'm not in love, not even in like. i just seem to want/need/crave and create this drama to save me from my monotonous life. and when you shower me with all these attentions and i really that insecure and desperate to need you? you're not mine and i'm not yours. i shouldn't always want to be in your company.
why am i waiting and willing my phone to ring? it never does when i want it to. why can't i stop thinking about you?!?!

i don't even want to expand on how complicated guys are!! men are from mars...that's right - they're definitely aliens!! do i even want to understand them??

i still can't stop thinking about his smile. by the way, this is a different guy! i can actually imagine qi reading this and shaking her head and going "faint". lol

** love is not love which alters when it alteration finds - shakespeare **

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