Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the BOLD truth

Borrowing a post from my melbourne gal, I finally visited your blog again after the longest time, read this and suddenly everything i feel was put into words! So I'm sharing these truths from an old friend, miles away but still so close in many ways :) Come visit me soon!!

Also, i feel that your normal generic guy, in attempting to befriend a girl, often has an agenda; i.e. the more a guy is attracted to a girl, the more he will want to be her friend, thus translating into the amount of time he is willing to spend with her, in the hope (delusional or otherwise) of possibly hooking up with her one fine day. So in a sense you can never get an absolute, plantonic friendship, because somewhere along the line, something will screw up, and things become complex and multi-tiered. Or you would have to settle for a medicore-hey-lets-meet-up-once-in-awhile- type friendship with the opposite sex, because,
Guy + Girl alone + Extended period of time = FEELINGS. (Whether you like it or not.)

You may be so not attracted to the other party @first glance, but trust me, overtime +alone+guy and girl = shit will develop. Extended period of time refers to Overseas Study/Live/Cook Together etc. Hence you find alot of individuals find themselves morph into disgustingly loving moochy couples/non-individuals (and mostly devoid of their original identity) when they stay around same area/alone/go same sch/class/club.
Because, proximity breeds convenience, and convenience breeds relationships. Of course, you got the whole ooh!but we feel a connection! bullshit, but yeah, no proximity = no convenience = no relationship = no freaking connection; you get the drift. Why the hell to do think LDRs (long dist rlnshps) are so challenging to keep (im not saying its impossible); esp. because humans are such fickle creatures who are distracted and horny and always wanting something new and stimulating.

On a seperate note,most guys get shit-scared/tounge-tied when talking to the object of their affection. So object of affection is often left in the dark. Who else comes to pick-up?
THE PLAYER. The Players are the only sub-category of guys who actually know how to talk to girls. Players have this special ability to pick-up their girls at the crucial initial key points. I.e. at a crowded party/club/on the street.

These are what you call the periods of short initial make/break exposure,which is essentially
foundation to the building blocks of love/lust/not-so-platonic friendships. You get the number you get the girl. If you dont because of shyness and hesitance not overcome, then bye-bye-baby!; and very rarely will there be a second time. It is pretty amusing to see the hunter smooth-talk his prey, not always in utter display for all to see, but they manuvere correctly in the right amounts.

More often than not, players do not appear like players. There are different degrees and variations. Im not talking the obvious spike drink hit on girl in club type. Girls are aware of these and take ample precaution, but let their guard down (not to say that you gotta always keep your guard up, cause then you would be an uptight piece of shit) in the daily context of everyday/school/work/play.

They is your neighbour, your classmate and your office-boy. Together they make girl think she is special in a very discreet way, and then she will blush and giggle and feel all bubbly inside, and feel that she is special and only one in whole world; oblivious to the fact that she is a mere statistic in his game.

Obviously you've got those genuine mambo jambo sweet-guy types, but this post is not about them knights in shining armours, those real ones i dedicate to another day. Players are by no means limited to the male gender, because many girls delight in the fact that they can make many silly men fall for them. They like to play/lead-on once they know they got a guy hanging off their heels. These are the girls that reflect the player's advances, and happily play-back; and pretend- giggle and gush, so the player thinks he has obtained another mere statistic in his game. What comes around goes around; peanuts.

So guilliable, these things.

Now by this point, I feel the need to further elaborate, to prettify my case, but it seems that I have now lost my trend of thought. You see, things come and go, just like fat boyfriends and skinny girlfriends, blue rainbows and bright sunshine, you still gotta know that sticks and stones, they don't break your bones.

And so, kudos to one of my oldest friends! Good advice/truths come from the most unconceivably surprising places. I'm out of my rutt and plan to stay that way!! Now, on to work!

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