Wednesday, April 25, 2007

random ramblings

sometimes i don't know how my friends put up with me :p
i guess i'm just really elated right now, can't wipe this smile off my face :)
so, i'm pretty crazy. i laugh too much and too loud (sat nite at vivo gloria jeans...sorry siow wei & sinyee! i know i can be so embarrassing sometimes! *sheepish grin*). i promise to reward you guys with more yummy treats! actually i was just thinking last night that i can make tiramisu coz it doesn't need an oven! LOL and i should do spaghetti marinara and an italian feast! i really love cooking for you guys!! i also like taking a traditional recipe and adding a little michelle twist in there to make it my own ;) when i say michelle twist tho, it means something i like added in there: eg. adding bacon and mushroom to aglio e olio coz i like bacon and mushroom! ohhhh and i didn't get to make the creamy chicken penne the last time!
and besides putting up with my hyena-like laugh, they have to bear with the silly stuff i say all the time. exhibit A: last night, while melvin was trying to seriously illustrate a point by saying nick will meet a girl in pink at his 21st birthday and marry her, i had to add to qi, "better not wear pink to his birthday!" diao! i could probably go on but i'll just stop here.
anyway, my heart is beating super fast. no, not because i feel like a criminal blogging. LOL it's the anticipation...
oohhhh lunch time!!!

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