Monday, April 23, 2007

there is hope!

i was beginning to wonder if there is any hope of finding a decent guy (since i'm now at a stage in my life to actually have a boyfriend and a normal relationship). of course i know there are plenty of guys out there, just that they seem to be players or commitment-phobics or just plain LOSERS! i don't need to explain, i think the previous post describes players in quite a detail. but i should probably say that even though i have high standards of criteria, honestly it all boils down to what he is like when he's with me and when he's with friends, or in other words, how he relates to the people around him (coz people matter).

but back to my point >> all hope was renewed on Friday night. i should probably say this as an aside here: i was pretty depressed and tired that night with everything hitting me at once. but seeing and being with gloria and her friend beckie really revived me and i also think the alcohol helped too...i SAW with my own eyes that good guys - the mature, responsible, ready-to-settle, eyes-not-fixed-on-girls-rack, successful in their own right - do exist, you just have to look that little bit harder. but i won't say TRY that little bit harder. i believe a girl can only put out that much before it becomes degrading and desperate. i won't come up with my own examples, lest i should be clobbered in my sleep *faint*

off on another tangent...
i've been feeling pretty homesick (again). as independent and adventurous as i've been of late, i still miss my mummy, daddy and sissy. i mentioned "arvo" in an email to mummy and she replied back with a "what is arvo?" to which i explained that it means afternoon in aussie slang. and what did she come back to me with? she said "surprisingly your father knows". that's not the best part, as incredulous as it is that my mummy doesn't know what arvo means and that my daddy does, the climax to my story is that i could actually imagine my parents having that conversation! they would have been at work, and my mummy would have laughed when she read my email then yell out to my daddy: "dar! you know what is arvo?" to which my daddy would make this face with his mouth thingy and replied, "yeah" in a sarcastic tone and then add, "you don't know??" LOL thanks mummy and daddy you made my day!

and at church on sunday, at the end of service, after a short quiet time and the band retired, they played YOU SAID and i was just transported back to June 2002, Dalby mission trip, the youth service we held on the last night of our stay, my best friends nick and kat beside me. ironically, i don't talk to either of them any more and it is very sad because they got me through high school and we shared plenty of memories, the good, the bad, and the ugly. i should probably add that songs almost always remind me of someone/something.

it has been mentioned to me one too many times lately that i should move to HK for my career. however, as much as i would like to experience that, there are several reasons why it is not feasible (at least at this point in time): firstly, mummy would kill me (especially since it's just after she made sure i've settled down and have everything i need here); secondly, although i've only known my girls for less than 2 months, i don't think i could go a day without them! i'm already dreading the day gloria will have to leave us for perth!

and on this sad note i leave this post, which was meant to invigorate with feelings of hopefulness. i must say though that ever since Friday, i seem to have this big, goofy grin permanently stamped on my face...and i'm sure my girls will know why :) it has a name.

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