Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas dinner @ Bobby's, Chijmes

thanks to Jane dear who shared these photos!! now just waiting for JBaby to send me hers! :)

our department, Market Risk Management Department, as Bryan kept stressing on, had our Christmas dinner on Friday, 14 Dec 2007, at Bobby's Restaurant, Chijmes. a few people were missed :( but it was overall, a night of good fun! was a bit sad that we were seated so far away from the little boys and girls ;) but the cosy four always = fabulous night out! we (Joelle, Andrew, Darren and Osborn) kicked on to loof! at Odeon Towers into the wee hours of the morning...left at 3am! the ribs were really good and i'm sure the boss did kenna a huge bill at the end of the night! Nolan did like 3 flaming lamborghinis =/ i paced myself pretty well but still managed to get slightly tipsy! uh-oh....but i'm being a good girl now, haven't had a drop...don't really feel the need/urge to drink anyways :)

Jane, me, Joelle

me, Joelle

Darren, Andrew, Osborn, Nolan

(what is Andrew doing?!!)

all of us, the young ones :)

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