Friday, December 07, 2007

God is good!

I feel so deliriously happy today! And I really praise God for giving me this inner peace that I haven’t had for a very long time!

The world just seems like such a brighter place…
I woke up late today =/ yes, again…but it was entirely my fault.
In the whole confusion and excitement of last night’s laptop crisis, it totally slipped my mind that I hadn’t set my alarm!
I opened my eyes this morning and to my horror, it was bright outside! I thought to myself, “it shouldn’t be so bright at 6.30 in the morning”, checked the time and almost fainted when I saw that it was 7.30 – the time I would be leaving the house!
Lucky for me, I’ve been kind of in training to get ready for work in the shortest amount of time possible for the last 2 weeks (to get maximum zzz time) and I managed to leave the house at 8.05am, got a taxi within 5mins and made it to the office in 10mins! Phew!

Part of the reason for my chirpiness today is probably of the many things I have to look forward to:
- meeting the girls after work (YAYYY!!!!!)
- lunch date with JBaby (yes, no more JPoh ;) )
- 10 days to Gold Coast!!! Home for Christmas with my family :)

Seems like nothing can get me down today! Not even the very frustrating program that runs my report that is always slow and deliver my reports late! Not even the fact that Anthony has left me a LONG list of things to do while he is on block leave! Not even the gloomy threatening-to-rain-anytime skies whilst I’m stuck at work!

To top off a GREAT day, the 2 girls I’ve been anxiously worried about the last few days are doing well. And I’ll be seeing my darling girl that I’ve been missing and worrying for the last 2 weeks plus tonight! Dear Siping has emailed me this morning…thank God for healing her stomach problems and that he has been faithful to her, in comfort and encouragement. He never fails! I’m also hoping my baby ah Qi is feeling a lift in her spirits :) I will continue to pray that God will guard these 2 special ladies from negative thoughts and continue to encourage them and comfort them in their darkest hours. Sinyee darling, all of us have been worried while you travel overseas alone. Can’t wait to catch up with you tonight!

On the topic of all my cares and worries washed away, one big emotional burden seems to be lifted and I thank all my wonderful dears who have been praying for me! I think I might actually be on the road to recovery for this broken heart of mine! I wasn’t plagued with the usual questionings and wonderings of *ahem and my heart just feels so light and bursting with joyfulness!

I’m super excited about going home for Christmas too! I’ve been a little apprehensive (not sure why) about going home, not wanting to leave the loved ones who will be here in Singapore. But after my phone call with my family on Wednesday night while I was getting ready to do revaluation at7pm, I came to realize that I really do miss all of them and that I can’t wait to see them again and give them all big hugs and kisses!! My sweet little sister sent me a text yesterday:

Hey big sis! Went 2 brisy 2day 4 shopin hehe we shd go wen ur here 2. finally
got all ur xmas presents n half my pay is gone but still duno wat 2 get 4 mum n

I’m so excited and can’t wait to see what she will be surprising me with! She also said that we will be having breakfast at Main Beach, shopping lots, going to the beach plenty and going for drinks with Kat and Dean! Wow…busy-ness!

OH! And last night I randomly turned on the TV after the laptop debacle and it was showing America’s Next Top Model and the final two models came out for the final judging. And one look and I just went “they’re wearing Sass & Bide!” (and they were too) and I got super excited cos when I go back, not only will there be a HUGE range of Sass & Bide’s for me to choose from, but Dean’s promised me a discount when I buy from them!! YAY!!!

Hope everyone else has a FANTABULOUS day too!!!

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