Wednesday, April 23, 2008


i feel so refreshed! credited to the 1 hour nap i had just before :) it felt like hours though and i thank God that i was able to fall asleep so easily! and it will still be an early night so i will be ready for Round 3 tmr =) so many things to be thankful for, but i pray Father that you will show me the way and if this is your will for me... that i will not be impulsive from fear of being unemployed.

perhaps, something i had been flirting with... the idea... that if i am still unemployed after taking my CFA exam, i will go back to australia. how long for?! maybe a year or two... then perhaps, saved enough (and aced my GMAT - 720 at least!!) and i will be off to Wharton or Harvard or Stern! i'm still being ambitious ya *giggles* my dreams of going to Harvard might still be realised! lol...

but it's so difficult to leave... so many things to consider... but i shall not all these worries consume me and bring me down!

am watching american idol, which i DO NOT follow but tonight features andrew lloyd webber!! how can i miss it right?!?! oh how i miss musicals and operas! so many good times preparing for our high school musicals, so many memories attached... it's weird the one that stands out was musical camp for les miserables... the moment we arrived, we dumped our stuff onto our beds and a group of us went down to the beach, running along the beach, playing among the waves, picking up shells with nick, you know what....i still have those shells!!! they were tiny ones, and he said they were just like me, TINY!!! faint...

but this little memory has gotten me rummaging around for what i have brought over from my last trip home, and photos of when i was 17...

Memory, All alone in the moonlight

I can smile at the old days

I was beautiful then

I remember

The time I knew what happiness was

Let the memory live again

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