Sunday, April 27, 2008


"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men." -- Matthew 5:13
call me stupid, call me slow... but when i read this, i didn't understand it. perhaps, there were things just blocking me from understanding.. nevertheless, when melvin told me to read this during my last trip to bris, i just thought, "salt... erm, huh??" i got the part about being the light of the world, but i couldn't grasp what salt had to do with anything at all!
but during the sermon today, i had this "ahh...." lightbulb flashing moment as it dawned on my thick self what being the salt of the earth meant. what use is salt if it loses it's flavour? so, really the lesson for me is, to always live a God-centred life.
All that I am, all that I have
I lay them down before you, oh Lord
All my regrets, all my acclaims
The joy and the pain, I'm making them yours
Lord, I offer my life to you
Everything I've been through
Use it for your glory
Lord I offer my days to you
Lifting my praise to you
As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer you my life
Things in the past, things yet unseen
Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true
All of my heart, alll of my praise
My heart and my hands are lifted to you
What can we give
That you have not given?
And what do we have
That is not already yours?
All we possess
Are these lives we're living
That's what we give to you, Lord
dear Father, everything that i have and everything that i am, i lay them at your feet. how unworthy i am and yet you have given me more than i deserve. mould me and transform me that i will be the salt and light of the earth for your glory. i put all my hope and joy in you alone. in Jesus' name i pray. Amen.

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